Our Ever Changing Life Update

The only thing that stays the same is everything changes. I just have to laugh sometimes at our crazy story. J had a one year post-op appointment and got the “all clear” from his doctor. Within a week my husband had reached out to his old capitan and was hired back as an EMT. He’sContinue reading “Our Ever Changing Life Update”

Speech Delays and Toddler Days

Jackson is a few months away from his third birthday. I’m not really sure where the time went! It seems just like yesterday J and I were sitting at Yumms joking that we were eating our last meal as just the 2 of us. Later that evening I went into labor and the rest isContinue reading “Speech Delays and Toddler Days”

One Year

Wow. Life happened and I now realize it has been a hot minute since I have posted anything. We are officially ONE YEAR post accident. Life looks much different than it did before. There are times we catch ourselves talking about “old times” (pre-accident), during (the recovery process), and post accident. Our life will alwaysContinue reading “One Year”

The Loneliest Hood

Motherhood is the loneliest hood I’ve ever been through (so far). When you first announce your pregnancy every one is so excited and the energy is overflowing. You are showered with gifts and your friends are so excited to be an Aunt to your child. Gender reveals, baby showers, and sprinkle parties mean you’re surroundedContinue reading “The Loneliest Hood”

The Realist Registry

I’ve had a lot of time to think about things that are helpful to moms with newborns. I’ve only been through it twice so I’m by no means an expert but I’d like to say I’m considered a veteran mom at this point. Both my kiddos were born during Covid times so baby showers wereContinue reading “The Realist Registry”

Sick Babies & Scared Mamas

Today broke me. I am not proud of the way I handled things at all. Bubs has Croup and I have the crud. We were in the ER last night because despite my medical knowledge and training I am a complete freak when Jackson is sick. I panic and jump to the worst possible scenario.Continue reading “Sick Babies & Scared Mamas”

Mom Guilt

There are many things that make me feel guilty as a new mom. These are a few that I have really struggled with. I usually am not one to give into social pressures and I usually feel confidence in my decisions but being a mom changes your brain and thought process. My little one isContinue reading “Mom Guilt”

Mom Brain

I remember thinking that “pregnancy brain” was just an excuse until I experienced it. It made the simplest of tasks somehow feel like I was performing rocket science. I kind of thought that it would go away once the baby was here and I would get my brain back. Boy was I wrong! If anythingContinue reading “Mom Brain”